Monday 25 June 2007

An End or a Beginning

Well tonight was the last night of my watercolour classes which I had been attending for nearly a year. I have learnt a great deal about the use of colour but I am a really bad watercolour artist. I am too heavy handed for such a delicate art. But in saying that I can turn my hand to other media that suit me better, for how will you ever know what you are good at if you don't try as many things as you can. So while this is the end of my foray into watercolour I have many other areas to try. Maybe I will do a refresher course in airbrushing.

Saturday 23 June 2007

The First Step is the Hardest

When it comes to my art procrastination is my middle name. I can find more ways of not doing any art than anything else. I have no time; Have to clean, cook, wash, watch shows I have taped, read, shop; anything but draw or paint. I have no idea why I do that. It seems crazy considering I used to dream of living off my art. If I think about it I am sure I can come up with more excuses to put off doing what I really do enjoy doing. Nearly all the art I have done I have completed in art classes. I have quite a portfolio of pieces but I rarely do anything outside of the classroom. Maybe with this blog I will change that and get myself going. But then again I have work; university; gym; family. Ah those excuses keep on coming