Saturday 23 June 2007

The First Step is the Hardest

When it comes to my art procrastination is my middle name. I can find more ways of not doing any art than anything else. I have no time; Have to clean, cook, wash, watch shows I have taped, read, shop; anything but draw or paint. I have no idea why I do that. It seems crazy considering I used to dream of living off my art. If I think about it I am sure I can come up with more excuses to put off doing what I really do enjoy doing. Nearly all the art I have done I have completed in art classes. I have quite a portfolio of pieces but I rarely do anything outside of the classroom. Maybe with this blog I will change that and get myself going. But then again I have work; university; gym; family. Ah those excuses keep on coming


lille8lulu said...

I enjoyed doing the celtic puzzle. Good idea Procrastinating Artist

Marg said...

How cool is this - what a clever gal you are Veronica! Hopefully you'll be able to share some of your skills with the rest of the group. I Loved tht puzzle - i might have to take some time in the hols to have a play.

Sean said...

You r doing a great job! This is a top blog. Keep it going.

Sean said...

You r doing a great job! This is a top blog. Keep it going.

Terri said...

Veronica! Procrastinators unite! I find every excuse not to paint...laundry, balance checkbook, walk dogs, walk myself, clean the garage! Why is that? I'm told I'm a perfectionist cause I won't start a project unless I can finish it too in the same time frame. I'm trying to learn to work in stages. Not easy!!! terri @

Vijayalakshmi Veerappan said...

Veronica and Terri - Its like you both have written my story ! I find time to do everything else but paint ! I am trying very hard to overcome this problem. Is there a solution at all ? !!!