Monday 16 July 2007

Since Last Time

Well I bought the cd that the song by Feist was on. I quite like her music, alternative but not too weird, quite relaxing really.

I went to Adelaide for a week of the school holidays. It was as good as usual, I relaxed, veged out, ate too much, spent too much but had a wonderful time. The thing that amazed me was when I drove to Adelaide all the dams were empty and I was thinking even though everything was green again there was still no water stores. But a week later driving back all the dams were full and there were sheets of water all through the paddocks. It was a wonderful sight after so long watching everything dry up and die. Maybe I will plant some vegies now I know there is water around to keep them alive.

1 comment:

Tomo said...

Yes water, but I hope we will be ust a little more careful with it now.

I like the picture . Is it the Flinders Ranges?