Monday 2 July 2007

Where Things Lead You

I was watching TV and saw a new ad for Ebay. The song in the background was catchy so I decided to find out what it was. Good old Google solved the problem and I was happy to find the name of the artist and song quite easily. Next I wondered if I would be able to download the song so I tried using Limewire but alas, while I could download the song it came with a licence that I had to join some adult personal webpage to access. Then I remembered You Tube, so off I went, searched and found quite a number of the artist's vids there. "Hmmm" I thought, "I might post it on my blog." That lead to me now having a You Tube account, and ultimately the video of the song I liked on the Ebay ad now in my blog. Ah well another set of usernames and passwords to remember. I suppose that will stop my brain from atrophying (hope that is a word).

1 comment:

Tomo said...

Very catchy.

And I am sure you won't go ga ga any time soon