Friday 7 March 2008

So Cool

A New Year

Well I thought I would keep this blog going for a while longer. I have no idea if any of my fellow students from VU last year are still checking our blogs but if you are leave a mesaage, this includes our illustrious leader Peter.

I have started the year with a great workshop on chinese painting and have begun a picture I have been promising the man in my life for 12 months. At least I have started. My next project might be a drawing of my granddaughter i think. I will have to think about it for a while longer. That seems to be the way i work. Looking forward to the graduation ceremony this year.

That's all for now

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Stress Stress Stress

What more can I say. This is the time of year for stress. So much to do and no time to do it in. If one thing goes wrong you will find me curled up in the foetal position in my bed or on a beach in broome.

Monday 16 July 2007

Since Last Time

Well I bought the cd that the song by Feist was on. I quite like her music, alternative but not too weird, quite relaxing really.

I went to Adelaide for a week of the school holidays. It was as good as usual, I relaxed, veged out, ate too much, spent too much but had a wonderful time. The thing that amazed me was when I drove to Adelaide all the dams were empty and I was thinking even though everything was green again there was still no water stores. But a week later driving back all the dams were full and there were sheets of water all through the paddocks. It was a wonderful sight after so long watching everything dry up and die. Maybe I will plant some vegies now I know there is water around to keep them alive.

Monday 2 July 2007

Where Things Lead You

I was watching TV and saw a new ad for Ebay. The song in the background was catchy so I decided to find out what it was. Good old Google solved the problem and I was happy to find the name of the artist and song quite easily. Next I wondered if I would be able to download the song so I tried using Limewire but alas, while I could download the song it came with a licence that I had to join some adult personal webpage to access. Then I remembered You Tube, so off I went, searched and found quite a number of the artist's vids there. "Hmmm" I thought, "I might post it on my blog." That lead to me now having a You Tube account, and ultimately the video of the song I liked on the Ebay ad now in my blog. Ah well another set of usernames and passwords to remember. I suppose that will stop my brain from atrophying (hope that is a word).

Feist - 1 2 3 4

Monday 25 June 2007

An End or a Beginning

Well tonight was the last night of my watercolour classes which I had been attending for nearly a year. I have learnt a great deal about the use of colour but I am a really bad watercolour artist. I am too heavy handed for such a delicate art. But in saying that I can turn my hand to other media that suit me better, for how will you ever know what you are good at if you don't try as many things as you can. So while this is the end of my foray into watercolour I have many other areas to try. Maybe I will do a refresher course in airbrushing.